Everyday Cleaning Routine! - More Than Blessed
I am not the BEST at keeping my house clean every day, but I do try at least. I have a simple way to make sure my house stays clean every night before going to bed. I want to show you this simple routine so when it comes to deep cleaning your home– the bare minimum will be done at least! Which makes it easier on you & it’s not as time consuming either. MORNINGS MY ROOM & BATHROOM: I try to start off my mornings by making my bed and making sure all of my clothes are put up as well. I normally let my girls sleep in a little longer until I’m finished getting myself ready as well as picking up after myself. Basically, it’s all about putting everything back as soon as you’re finished using it. Those little details add up after the week and if we’re not careful it could end up looking horrible by the end of the week. For example, after brushing my teeth in the morning, I make sure to put the top back on the toothpaste tube and putting my toothbrush up as well. I keep a wet rag in my bathrooms and near the sink in my kitchen to wipe off my counters. (I normally throw them in the washer at the end of the week so I do not use the same rag for about a month and let all the germs accumulate.–Just an FYI) So with that wet rag (or Clorox Wipe–whatever works for you) I wipe down my bathroom counter after I’m finished brushing my teeth. I don’t do my make-up every day but for the days that I do, I have to remember to put everything back in its spot as well. Once again, those details MATTER! GIRL’S ROOM & BATHROOM: Once I’m finished getting ready and doing that little bit of cleaning (which usually takes about 30 minutes for me) I go to the girl’s room and start waking them up and getting them ready to go with their sitter. My oldest is a big help, she normally puts up her clothes on her own. I do have to remind them both every once in a while to pick up their clothes, but other than that, they’re usually pretty good at cleaning up in the morning. Same thing with their restroom once they are finished brushing their teeth they know to put everything back up. Once they’re finished, I normally wipe down their bathroom counter and make their bed and off we go. AFTERNOONS Once we get home, normally my house is already clean, including the rooms. Of course, it doesn’t stay clean for long, but that’s okay. I would rather they play in their room then sit down and watch TV. I go to the kitchen and start dinner. I try to wash my dishes as I go that way I don’t have too many dishes to wash after dinner. LIVING ROOM: After dinner, I put all the dirty dishes in my sink and wipe down the tables and seats with Clorox wipes. Once that’s done, I pick up my living room; the girls usually help with this part and make sure all of their toys are in their room. I normally only have to sweep before putting them to bed. KITCHEN: Once my living room is “clean,” I wipe down my counters with a wet rag. I also wipe down my stove. Then I sweep my kitchen. Once that’s done, I finally wash my dishes and head to the girl’s room to put them to bed. GIRL’S ROOM & BATHROOM: Then the cycle repeats itself. I start off with bathing the girls if they haven’t already been bathed. Get them to brush their teeth. Make sure their clothes are put up as well as their bathroom counter being wiped down before we head to their room. Normally, their room is a mess again, so they put up their toys where they belong then go to bed. MY ROOM & BATHROOM: Same goes for us parents. We get ready to go to bed, wipe down bathroom counters and make sure all of our clothes are put up before finally laying down. ——– This is what works for us most of the time, as long as we don’t have anything that pops up in the middle of the week. Every night before going to bed, I make sure the house is tidy. Not necessarily clean, but it should look organized. And every morning before going to work I do the same. Comment below and let me know if this works for you as well or what you do to make sure your house stays clean every day! XO, Mariela Oviedo Please follow and like us:
Mariela Oviedo