
  • Organization

    How to ACCOMPLISH your GOALS for 2019!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Can’t believe we have finally started 2019! I have BIG plans for this year! We try to stay on top of it when it comes to our goals and our future plans. I like to work towards something and not just work every day without any plans of improving our lifestyle. That's just how I personally feel, I’m not saying that you should think this way, this is just my personal way of thinking. Now, because I have this mentality, I make goals for myself. Your goals can change down the road as well, they don’t have to stay the same or be the same as mine.…

  • Cleaning,  Family,  Organization

    How I Got My Toddlers to Clean!

    I have a 3 year old and a 2-year-old! & I am currently pregnant with a third baby! I work full-time as well as my husband and we both have jobs on the side. With that being said, we could really use all the help we can get, even from toddlers! As long as you make things simple enough for them, they will get the hang of it. I try my best to keep my house clean (Keyword = TRY!). Both my husband and I share our household chores since we both work & now that the girls have gotten a little bit older and are starting to understand more,…