
How to ACCOMPLISH your GOALS for 2019!

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Can’t believe we have finally started 2019! I have BIG plans for this year!

We try to stay on top of it when it comes to our goals and our future plans. I like to work towards something and not just work every day without any plans of improving our lifestyle. That’s just how I personally feel, I’m not saying that you should think this way, this is just my personal way of thinking.

Now, because I have this mentality, I make goals for myself. Your goals can change down the road as well, they don’t have to stay the same or be the same as mine. But to be able to accomplish your goals, you need to have an idea of what you want done. I like to ask myself, “Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 20 years?” Well in 20 years I see myself living in the country with my husband on about 5 acres with a brand new house on it & a shop big enough to host events there. (We have big families & it’s always good to have someone in the family with a venue.)

I am explaining all of this to you so you can get an idea of what YOU need to do to accomplish your goals for this year! (Now, I don’t know about you, but I felt like I didn’t accomplish much last year. I wrote down my goals but I didn’t stick to it. That is why I’m writing this post, to help you & to help myself.) We BOTH have to stick to it!


Write down your New Years Resolution/ Goals!

Like I mentioned above, you have to know what it is you want to have accomplished! & it helps so much to write it down on a piece of paper or even in your Notes section on your phone. Whatever is easier for you. This helps you see what you have accomplished at the end of the year and it helps you feel better as well by knowing that you actually did something! P.S. If there was something you really wanted to do last year, add that to your list this year! Do not let it get forgotten again!  

Make sure your goals are REALISTIC.

I know people tell you to shoot for the stars and to dream big…and that is okay because I tell my kids too, I don’t want them to sell themselves short. But please do NOT make any goals for 2019 that you know you will NOT be able to accomplish within this year because at the end of the year you will look back at your list and see that nothing got accomplished and you will end up feeling worse and discouraged. Make realistic goals that you know can happen as long as you push yourself.

Remember to include your significant other as well.

This is for the people that are living with their significant others. If you have a family, make sure you include goals that have to do with everyone. For example, one of our goals as a family is to only talk in Spanish when we’re home. Both my parents, as well as my husbands, are Mexican, both my husband and I speak Spanish very well. But our girls not so much, they started going to the DayCare very young which is why they started speaking more English than Spanish. They do understand it, but they don’t really speak it much. That is why one of our goals for this year is to speak only Spanish at our house. (Wish us luck.)

Divide your goals.

I know this sounds kinda crazy. But YES, you have to divide your goals. Make 2 different lists. On one, list the things that can be done in a matter of days. On your second list, list the things that will basically take time. For example, one of my goals is to buy new bedroom furniture for our room. This will go on my first list which can be done in a matter of days. Another one of my goals is to be more fit, that will take time, so that will go on my second list.

Write down your monthly goals.

Now that you have 2 lists of goals, you’re next step is to make more specific goals. This helps me “keep my eyes on the prize.” For example, one of our goals is to organize our backyard, we can put that as one of our goals for January since its mostly cleaning. Another one of my goals is to do an updated family photo shoot, I can schedule it and have that done March. Now for your “bigger” goals, you have to make SMALL goals that lead up to that one BIG goal. For example, one of my “bigger” goals is to get fit. #BASIC So what I’m going to do is start off small, for the first 3 months…I ca2019n20 exercise 2 days out of the week and walk a certain distance. Then push myself harder as the months go by. So by the end of the year, I will be where I want to be.


How to Accomplish Your Goals for 2019

If you do all the things listed above, I know you can accomplish your goals. Don’t worry, you are NOT in this alone! Mostly everybody writes goals or New Year Resolutions every year, it’s up to YOU to stay on track. As I’m writing this post, I am completing each one of these steps as well. I want to make sure I accomplish ALL of my goals and I am trying to push myself as well. Like I mentioned earlier, last year my husband and I really didn’t accomplish much. That is why this year I have to push myself harder to accomplish the things we didn’t get to last year as well.

Anyways, hope this helps! & don’t forget to stick to it! I sincerely hope 2019 is a great year for everyone!!

List in the comment section below what some of your goals are for this year!


Mariela Oviedo

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