Family,  Travel

5 Tips on Traveling with Toddlers!

I currently have 2 little girls. They are my world, but they can be a handful when having to travel. Well in reality, they can be a handful any day, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

Anyways, we currently got married and we had to travel to a bigger city near our small town in East Tx to be able to get better prices for certain pieces that I wanted for décor at the wedding. Now I am planning a birthday party for them and I wanted to make this one a little bit bigger than their other birthday parties (mexicans tend to make the 3rd birthday party of a little girl like a mini quinceanera.) So that means more trips to a bigger city and we also get to stay for the weekend so that the girls can have fun and maybe swim at a hotel. Which works great for all of us, we get a mini getaway and the girls also get to enjoy themselves.

I have one 3 year old and one 2 year old. They both get bored easily so we have to come prepared when traveling with them. Luckily, they are around the same age so all I really need for them is 2 of everything. That way they don’t end up arguing for whatever the other one has.

  1. Something I always have in the car for them no matter where we are going, whether it’s to the store or just an actual road trip are…BOOKS! You can never go wrong with books. They’re current favorite are Dr. Seuss books. I have to keep at least one in the car for each, so 2 books at all times! I am aware that they don’t read quite yet, but they love the colors. I can either read the books to them or I’ll point at certain objects in the book and have them name the color of the object I’m pointing at. They love it and it keeps them distracted for a while.
  2. Something else I always have in the car is a movie. We recently got a car that has an entertainment center and I love it! Now we can put on a movie for them without having to give up our phone. Movies can be great long distractions. They work awesome for kids any age and don’t require anything from the parents (which is always a plus)!!
  3. Another easy one are toys! You don’t need a lot either. Maybe for little girls a simple baby doll and their imagination will come up with the rest. That’s the good thing about toddlers, their imagination is wild at that age.
  4. My personal favorite are snacks. I can’t help it? I take advantage of the girls snack time and use it as my own, lol! If you don’t want to spend money at gas stations, you can pack your snacks before you leave the house. Buy big party size bags of your kid’s favorite chips and take one Ziploc bag. You can fill up the bag and refill it every time your child requests more. I personally tend to leave a few things at the last minute so most of the time, you will find me at gas stations buying snacks. But I will be working on getting better at that!
  5. Lastly, music! This is also one of my favorites. I love to sing and I’m glad my babies also do! & if you watch their favorite Disney Movies as much as I do with my kids then you basically know all of the songs! You don’t even have to buy the soundtrack, all we do is look it up through YouTube and connect your phone to the Bluetooth in your car or through the Aux cord. Quick and simple!

There are the things that I use all of the time to keep my toddlers distracted while traveling. They work most of the time, and if they don’t want either, they normally take a nap! Which is another plus with having toddlers, they still NAP, lol.

Hope you enjoyed reading this post, until next time!


Mariela Oviedo

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